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The afterWRK app is a social platform for group shopping. It helps sellers increase sales with group buys by offering discounts to our users, while letting them share their shopping experiences and other life stories in the app.

Group buy offers products and services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase.

In contrast to deal sites such as Groupon, afterWRK’s Group Buy ensures guaranteed sales for merchants before they fulfill the deal. In other words, if there isn’t sufficient interest or the number of registered buyers does not meet merchant’s minimum requirement, the deal will not go through unless the merchant decides to proceed regardless.

  • Who are we?

The afterWRK app started in the Big4 consulting firm community in Sydney, with thousands of members. It is an app for people to share productive content in the community. Our community is also growing and welcome all corporate professionals.

  • What is the value to merchants?

It is similar to Groupon but more importantly,

      a) It’s Free
      b) Sales guaranteed
      c) It’s social, so it spreads quickly
      d) Facilitate cross-sell or upsell

  • How does it work?

Just begin a Group Buy campaign and set the rules. For example, offer a 20% discount on coffee, but only if 50 people join (That’s why we say guaranteed sales — achieving the 50-person threshold is a firm requirement). This encourages customers to spread the word and get others involved in order to meet the 50 people condition, giving you free advertising from their conversations.

  • How to apply the discount?

We’ll provide your organization with a unique QR code page for display. Customers visiting your cafe can then scan this QR code, allowing your staff to verify their coupon and provide the applicable discount.

  • How will the customer join the GroupBuy?

  • How do we promote the GroupBuy for your cafe?

We will start from the big 4 consulting community first together with flyers on the street to get more attention.

5 steps to create a Group Buy

  1. Download and install the afterWRK mobile app.
    ▸ Apple phones
    Android phones
  2. Complete the merchant signup form to verify your business. You will need your afterWRK account ID for this process.
  3. After completing the form, the afterWRK team will get in touch with you and update your account to be a merchant account.
  4. Once your account has been updated, Navigate to the “Profile” tab and click on the ⚙ button. Use the “Business Account Login” and scan the QR code on (desktop browser preferred). You can now start creating Group Buys on the webpage. 
  5. Fill out the details of your Group Buy and submit. Happy Grouping!
  • Who are we?

The afterWRK app started in the Big4 consulting firm community in Sydney, with thousands of members. It is an app for people to share productive content in the community. Our community is also growing and welcome all corporate professionals.

  • What is the value to merchants?

It is similar to Groupon but more importantly,

      a) It’s Free
      b) Sales guaranteed
      c) It’s social, so it spreads quickly
      d) Facilitate cross-sell or upsell

  • How does it work?

Just begin a Group Buy campaign and set the rules. For example, offer a 20% discount on coffee, but only if 50 people join (That’s why we say guaranteed sales — achieving the 50-person threshold is a firm requirement). This encourages customers to spread the word and get others involved in order to meet the 50 people condition, giving you free advertising from their conversations.

  • How to apply the discount?

We’ll provide your organization with a unique QR code page for display. Customers visiting your cafe can then scan this QR code, allowing your staff to verify their coupon and provide the applicable discount.

  • How will the customer join the GroupBuy?

  • How do we promote the GroupBuy for your cafe?

We will start from the big 4 consulting community first together with flyers on the street to get more attention.

5 steps to create a Group Buy

  1. Download and install the afterWRK mobile app.
    ▸ Apple phones
    Android phones
  2. Complete the merchant signup form to verify your business. You will need your afterWRK account ID for this process.
  3. After completing the form, the afterWRK team will get in touch with you and update your account to be a merchant account.
  4. Once your account has been updated, Navigate to the “Profile” tab and click on the ⚙ button. Use the “Business Account Login” and scan the QR code on (desktop browser preferred). You can now start creating Group Buys on the webpage. 
  5. Fill out the details of your Group Buy and submit. Happy Grouping!
  • Does afterWRK charge buyers?

There are no fees for buyers. Customers can fully enjoy the discounts provided by the merchants.

  • How does the process look like?

A group buy usually has a grouping period followed by a settling period. Users can join or leave the group buy freely during the grouping period. Once the grouping period ends, the system will determine whether the event continues based on whether the minimum number of registered buyers has been reached. After that, the registered buyers visit the merchant to finalize the deal, before settling period ends.

  • What if I cannot fulfill the deal?

Our merchants offer great discounts, and we hope all participants make good use of them. If you join a group buy but fail to show up at the end, it will be considered a “no-show”.

We proactively monitor the occurrence of ‘no-shows’ to ensure a fair transactional environment for our merchants. Users displaying persistent ‘no-show’ behavior may lose eligibility for future group buys, either temporarily or permanently.